Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.

Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.
Researchers develop a new anticancer agent composed of magnesium shallow-doped iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SPNPs). The magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MNFH) agent is highly biocompatible and is able to completely eradicate Hep3B-induced tumors.
An approach to study tumor cell invasiveness by exploiting an innovative class of polymeric scaffolds based on two-photon lithography to control the stiffness of deterministic microenvironments in 3D is presented.
Chunmeng Shi and co-workers from the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China, introduce a small-molecule-based cancer theranostic agent for simultaneous cancer-cell mitochondrial targeting, NIR imaging, and chemo-/PDT/PTT/multimodal therapeutic activities.
RNA-binding proteins influence epithelial ovarian cancer progression through complex networks with mRNAs, non-coding RNAs and other proteins.
Drug-free macromolecular therapeutic systems can target and kill cancer cells without causing the side-effects of the drugs currently in clinical use.
Drug nanocrystals deliver drugs via oral, intravenous, and local administration and show promise towards treating cancer more effectively.
A team of researchers from National Sun Yat-sen University report on microscale RNA interference using iron oxide nanoparticle-modified lentivirus.
A new broad scope journal dedicated to publishing data-driven, scientifically rigorous findings at every stage of basic, translational, clinical and interdisciplinary research in cancer development, progression, treatment, care and outcome.
Metabolism promotes metastatic progression and supports metastatic cancer cells through diverse, interlinked and overlapping mechanisms.