Researchers are applying nanotechnology to cancer immunotherapy toward the development of nanocarriers for delivery of cancer vaccines and chemo-immunotherapies.

Researchers are applying nanotechnology to cancer immunotherapy toward the development of nanocarriers for delivery of cancer vaccines and chemo-immunotherapies.
Consumption of both fruit and vegetables shows a higher 15-year overall survival probability in prostate cancer patients than those with lower intakes.
A polymetallodrug that overcomes the side effects of conventional anticancer phototherapy has been synthesized.
Intraperitoneally administered biointerface-camouflaged upconversion nanoparticles can pave the way for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer through multimodal contrast enhanced imaging.
At Soochow University they have successfully prepared ultrasmall anionic-deficient WO3-x nanotheranostic probes
Nanogels were developed as magnetic capturing devices for circulating tumor cells and applied in the magnetic separation of human cancer cells from a mixed cell suspension.
Researchers synthesized a copolymer scaffold from Polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly-D, L-lactic acid (PDLLA) for potential breast tissue engineering.
Researchers have proposed a new idea to deliver anti-cancer drugs to tumor sites by combining immunotherapy and nanoparticles.
This nanocarrier shows excellent oxygen-carrying properties and ATP-responsive drug release, which makes it a potent agent for cancer therapy.
Researchers successfully prepare polymeric thioxanthones, which were shown to be used as potential anticancer and radiotherapy agents.