Computational modelling enhances the multidisciplinary approach to understanding the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cancer metastasis.

Computational modelling enhances the multidisciplinary approach to understanding the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cancer metastasis.
One drug, three modes of action: Clinicians combat the drug resistances of some cancer types by using a combination of different drugs.
New research published in CANCER indicates that a single dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is as effective as multiple doses for preventing preinvasive cervical disease, which can later develop into cervical cancer.
The first human trial using CRISP-edited genes to fight cancer has promising results.
For the first time, a nanorobot is developed that can both report the location of, and treat, cancer associated RNA.
The ways astronauts prep for spaceflight could benefit cancer patients, researchers say.
Researchers engineer natural killer cells to specifically target cancer cells.
Photodynamic therapy holds great potential for cancer treatment.
Nanotechnology has emerged as an innovative tool in medicine that could alter the landscape in relation to disease treatment and prevention.
Polymers have been shown to improve the biological capabilities of optical contrast agents to improve diagnosis of diseases such as cancer.