A new approach to the synthesis of sustainable ammonia and urea uses food waste and brown water as feedstocks.

A new approach to the synthesis of sustainable ammonia and urea uses food waste and brown water as feedstocks.
The grandfather of climate science, Milanković’s theory of a complex feedback loop–driven climate would come to define the field.
Seven emerging technologies that could help to mitigate the most devastating effects of climate change.
Oxygen is a promising exoplanet biosignature, but several scenarios exist in which a lifeless, rocky planet could evolve to have non-biological oxygen in its atmosphere.
The race is on to scale down the cost of sustainable aviation fuel production technologies and scale up production capacity.
Synthesis of a rare metal complex of nitrous oxide opens new vistas for the degradation of a potent greenhouse gas.
The Perseverance rover will explore the Martian Jezero Crater and collect the first rock samples from the Red Planet.
Peatlands are among the most valuable ecosystems on Earth but when damaged are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.
A simple alteration in the functionality of our clothing could surprisingly help lower energy consumption in buildings and homes.
Lightweight but tough, bamboo is the hope for a more sustainable life and future for our planet.