New technologies for inhaled insulin are aimed at improving formulation through enhanced delivery systems.

New technologies for inhaled insulin are aimed at improving formulation through enhanced delivery systems.
Canada invests in technologies that can help realize its economic and environmental goals, while providing low carbon fuels to consumers.
Researchers propose using air-conditioning and ventilation systems for decentralized production of carbon-neutral synthetic fuels.
A novel polymer membrane removes impurities from natural gas without the need for toxic solvents.
Computational materials design is shown to be essential for the discovery of new and novel materials of the future.
Irreducible uncertainty of the effects of policy change on climate change brought about by the Paris agreement is discussed.
US researchers unexpectedly discovered auspicious catalysts to reduce water into hydrogen gas and oxygen molecules.
Roll-to-roll laser-induced superplasticity, a new fabrication method, prints metals at nanoscale for making electronic devices.
Orange peels for water purification – a zesty new approach.
The recent developments in renewable energy generation and storage, the current policy strategies, and the integration of AP.