Development of cobalt and boron alloyed steel with more resistance at high temperatures avoids CO2 emission and increases the efficiency of power plants.
Considering Emissions From Amine-Based CO2 Capture Before Deployment
Post-combustion CO2 capture presents a great opportunity to reduce emissions, but some hurdles still exist before widespread deployment can be considered.
A Fossil Fuel Free World
Professor Ozin explores the repercussions of giving up our fossil fuel addiction.
The next step towards large-scale artificial photosynthesis
Berkeley Lab researchers identify key intermediate steps in artificial photosynthesis reaction.
This week in the materials industry: January 31st 2014
Headlines from the last seven days of materials science industry news.
Studying the gasification of pinewood char
Purdue University researchers show potential benefits of pinewood char as synthetic fuel source.
Book Review: Nanotechnology for the Energy Challenge
Professor Nazario Martín, University Complutense of Madrid and IMDEA-Nanoscience, reviews the second edition of this book, edited by Javier García-Martínez.
Audi opens power-to-gas facility
Audi opens an e-gas plant in Werlte making it the first automobile manufacturer to develop a chain of sustainable energy carriers.
Climate Conundrum
Sustainability – solar fuels from the sun, not fossil fuels from the earth.
MIT microchip survives radiation of a trip to Mars
DNA-sequencing microchip functions after exposure to radiation doses similar to those that might be expected during a robotic expedition to Mars.