Renewable energy could fully power a large electric grid 99.9 percent of the time by 2030 at costs comparable to today’s electricity expenses.
Plastic packaging industry moves further towards bio-based products
Bio-based plastic packaging produced using the new technique also offers superior quality.
Dr. Karl Mayrhofer, MPI Düsseldorf, wins German state innovation award
Dr. Mayrhofer, head of the electrocatalysis group at Düsseldorf’s Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, has been awarded a young researchers prize.
Green Economy and Bio-Based Plastics
Rolf Mülhaupt investigates the dreams and reality of “green polymer chemistry”.
Nature’s Nanomaterials – To Be or Not to Be Bioinspired?
How much does materials science stand to gain from Nature? Professor Ozin gives his take on the progress of biomimetics.
New "Energy Technology" Journal Opens for Submissions
The new journal, Energy Technology, is accepting manuscripts on applied energy research in all areas of energy generation, conversion, storage, and distribution.
The Future of Steelmaking
The past two decades have seen major changes for steelmakers across the world.
Luminescent Ink from Eggs: Fluorescent Dots for Biomaterials
Fluorescent carbon dots can be made by plasma pyrolysis and used as printer ink.
Photocatalysis as an energy source: Zn-Ga-O nanocubes improve conversion rate
Chinese researchers have developed a new nanomaterial to improve the chemical conversion rate in photocatalytic energy systems.
Nanochemistry Prescience?
Professor Ozin looks back at the predictions for the field of nanochemistry he made 20 years ago; where has nanotechnology gone since?