The project CO2MIN will explore the absorption of CO2 from flue gas by the minerals olivine and basalt.

The project CO2MIN will explore the absorption of CO2 from flue gas by the minerals olivine and basalt.
If 2°C warming by 2100 is to be prevented, it will become important to adopt strategies that not only avoid CO2 emissions, but also allow for the direct removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Prof. Elizabeth Biddinger talks about her recent article on copper-based catalysts for carbon dioxide electroreduction, which brings new insights towards the renewable conversion of carbon dioxide, a well-known greenhouse gas, into green fuels and chemicals.
We all love CO2 – let’s do it, let’s fix CO2 fixation!
How can we utilize carbon dioxide to solve the looming climate change problem caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions?
Researchers show that nanoparticles sputtered onto black silicon nanowire supports activate conversion in a hydrogen atmosphere under solar-simulated light.
An overview of recent progress in the field of CO2-responsive polymers is given including a detailed discussion about challenging research aspects.
ThyssenKrupp initiates project to convert process gases from steel production into base chemicals.
2nd CO2-Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers in “Haus der Technik” Essen, Germany, October 7th to 9th 2013
University of Adelaide researchers have developed a new nanomaterial that could help reduce carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power stations.