The first synthesis and demonstration of multicolor bandgap fluorescent CQDs (MCBF-CQDs) is reported.

The first synthesis and demonstration of multicolor bandgap fluorescent CQDs (MCBF-CQDs) is reported.
The energetic consequences of having iron, manganese or aluminum atoms sit at certain positions close to carbon are studied by performing first-principles quantum-chemical calculations.
An efficient strategy for general synthesis of 3D N-doped carbon nanosheet frameworks functionalized with metal nanoparticles or various hollow nanostructures for efficient lithium storage
A simple and effective system for photocatalytic CO2 reduction is proposed
A wearable strain sensor is developed that could sensitively respond to cyclic small strain.
Researchers from the Hefei University of Technology and University of Science and Technology of China have improved the cathode performance in lithium-sulfur batteries by embedding carbon nanotube networks within porous carbon.
A carbon-dot nanosystem is developed for photodynamic therapy, which releases a photosensitizer bioprecursor in cancer cells upon irradiation.
Researchers have proven that concentrated light, heat and high pressures can drive the one-step conversion of CO2 and water into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Zhang’s group developed a new synthetic method for preparing M,N-C electrocatalysts.
We all love CO2 – let’s do it, let’s fix CO2 fixation!