Carbon credits are used by companies and corporations to offset greenhouse gas emissions, but are they simply an aid for greenwashing?
Carbon pricing is not at odds with environmental justice
Carbon pricing has been highly criticized, but designing policies to address concerns can yield outcomes that are effective and equitable.
Molten salts help capture carbon at high temperatures
Molten salts are renowned for operating at high temperatures and are ideal as a new generation of carbon capture media.
Supercharging carbon dioxide capture
A new carbon capture technique called supercapacitive swing adsorption separates carbon dioxide from gaseous mixtures in the air and industrial flue gases.
Decarbonizing the chemical industry with sustainable photons
Decarbonizing the chemical industry is possible, provided decreases in the cost of solar energy and increases in LED efficiency continue.
Mysterious death of carbon star
Scientists have observed the mysterious death of a carbon-rich star, which was characterized by the mass ejection of matter into space.
CALF-20: A carbon capture success story
An innovative new material called CALF-20 has found success in an industrial pilot-scale carbon capture project.
“Carbon Negative Earthshot” takes aim at atmospheric carbon dioxide
An all-hands-on-deck initiative aims to fast track innovative technologies to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Scientists detect water and carbon monoxide in far away galaxy
Water and carbon detected in a galaxy 13 billion light-years away provide a glimpse into how these elements impacted the development of the early universe.
New EU satellites to track global carbon emissions
A new constellation of satellites promises to be a “game changer” in monitoring anthropogenic emissions on a global scale.