We have recently learned that the high levels of carbon dioxide we breathe for extended periods inside planes can cause neurological problems.

We have recently learned that the high levels of carbon dioxide we breathe for extended periods inside planes can cause neurological problems.
Various approaches for converting CO2 and H2O to liquid hydrocarbons using solar energy involve electro/photo/thermochemical catalytic processes and combinations thereof exist.
Carbon nanotube surfaces as ultrafast electron sources could influence the next generation of attosecond science and light-wave electronics research.
Imagine a scenario where CO2 greenhouse gas emissions could be used to desalinate briny water. This would be a creative way of killing two birds with one stone, namely helping to ameliorate global-warming-induced climate change and producing high quality water for agriculture and drinking purposes.
A fascinating approach for utilizing the chemical energy contained in the carbon–hydrogen bonds of methane without the co-production of carbon dioxide in the combustion process is discussed.
Researchers from Cranfield University and Queen Mary University of London report the use of a thermoelectric material as a catalyst support and promotor for carbon dioxide hydrogenation. Using a specially designed reactor chamber, they achieve simultaneous thermoelectric energy harvesting and catalysis.
Idaho National Laboratory researchers design a 3D ultraporous ceramic framework as an anode for high-performance direct carbon fuel cells. below 600 °C. The cell can be operated efficiently at temperatures under 600 °C using solid carbon as fuel.
A vibrant new catalyst platform for harnessing abundant solar-energy to produce high-value hydrocarbons from a CO2 feedstock is demonstrated.
Research shows that the secret to crop drought resilience may lie within a sugar-signalling pathway.
An overview article, which has been published in WIREs Energy and Environment, explores the growth consequences of the shift to a low-carbon economy.