The TriboPump enables energy-efficient water disinfection at the point of use.

The TriboPump enables energy-efficient water disinfection at the point of use.
Using cellulose-based fibers and nanotechnology to remove arsenic from drinking water.
This cost-effective solar evaporation device could supplant lengthy and expensive filtration systems normally used in wastewater treatment.
Water scarcity is not some far off consequence of the climate crisis. To overcome it, overriding our obsession with freshwater and embracing wastewater will be necessary.
This year’s World Water Day theme is groundwater, and here’s what some scientists have found recently about this precious resource.
Brownmillerite, found in natural mineral deposits, could help disinfect water in resource-poor regions.
This method of purification under natural sunlight opens a new paradigm in clean water production using renewable solar energy.
Women face greater health and safety risks when water and sanitation systems are compromised, but this has never been explored in relation to tourism.
Pollutant transport in water bodies is a complex process — computational models called FADEs provide an accurate modelling solution.
Photovoltaic-membrane distillation turns waste heat from solar panels into a power source to drive an efficient water distillation process.