Results for "climate change"
Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and their Reform

Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and their Reform

The production and consumption of fossil fuels need to decrease significantly to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement’s ambitious climate change goals. However, fossil fuels continue to receive significant amounts of government support.

Carbon Dioxide Desalination

Carbon Dioxide Desalination

Imagine a scenario where CO2 greenhouse gas emissions could be used to desalinate briny water. This would be a creative way of killing two birds with one stone, namely helping to ameliorate global-warming-induced climate change and producing high quality water for agriculture and drinking purposes.

Lipid-Extracted Microalgal Biomass Waste for Biogas

Lipid-Extracted Microalgal Biomass Waste for Biogas

To confront global warming, climate changes and a potential energy shortage, biodiesel has been receiving increasing interest as a substitute for diesel fuels in efforts to seek for sustainable development. Microalgae-derived biodiesel is a promising energy source.

Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector: Policy Options, Synergies and Institutions to Deliver on a 1.5 Degree Stabilization Pathway

An Advanced Review by Oliver Lah outlines the key elements of a low-carbon stabilization pathway for land transport, focusing on the potential of key policy measures at the local and national level, opportunities for synergies of sustainable development and climate change objectives and governance and institutional issues affecting the implementation of measures.

A Case for CO2-Sourced Sustainable Synthetic Fuels

A Case for CO2-Sourced Sustainable Synthetic Fuels

Is the electrification of the global fleet of automobiles and trucks truly a panacea for curbing greenhouse gas emissions, stabilizing global warming and ameliorating climate change or, rather, is it merely a way of shifting the problem from conventional internal combustion to electric vehicles?

Vision of a Sustainable Future

Vision of a Sustainable Future

To address climate change, we need to reduce net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to zero as soon as possible; that is, hopefully by 2050 or so.