Results for "climate change"
Never Say Never

Never Say Never

The argument for making synthetic fuel from CO2 using renewable electricity in an increasingly electrified world is by now a familiar one. It hinges on the unlikely scenario that lithium ion batteries will never power the massive fleet of large-volume transportation...

Mitigation and Adaptation in Polycentric Systems

The potential of polycentric governance for promoting both climate mitigation and adaptation is well established. Yet, dominant conceptualizations of polycentric governance pay scant attention to how power dynamics affect the structure and the outcomes of governance.

Achieving Gt/y CO2 Utilization with Negative CO2 Emissions

Achieving Gt/y CO2 Utilization with Negative CO2 Emissions

Our global community has been tasked to define and implement a Manhattan style strategy for reducing CO2 emissions at the gigatonne scale. The vision to accomplish this heroic goal is a holistic paradigm, which makes use of all the technologies in the CO2 utilization...