Computer-aided drug discovery looks to neural networks that can better predict chemical properties to streamline the search for new therapeutics.

Computer-aided drug discovery looks to neural networks that can better predict chemical properties to streamline the search for new therapeutics.
An imaginative scientist and inventor, Whitesides’ work extends beyond the borders of chemistry, tackling diverse and challenging problems to meet society’s needs.
Tunable structural color images by UV-patterned conducting polymer nanofilms on metal surfaces.
The idea of connecting all physical things together: let’s delve into how the Internet of Things is changing the world.
Mathematician, code-breaker, and the founder of modern computer science, here we highlight the genius and tragedy of Alan Turing.
To many, space weather may seem like a distant concern, but predicting its effects on Earth are important for resilience against potential hazards.
Photonics offer a natural link between communication and computation, providing a potential bridge to build a quantum internet.
Researchers demonstrate the controlled growth of artificial synapses, paving the way for computers that can grow, evolve, and adapt like the human brain.
A new simulation technique accelerates modeling to help us better understand complex molecular processes and facilitate rational drug design.
The “metal-eating” robot can follow a metal path without using a computer or needing a battery.