Researchers are developing algorithms and machine learning methods to further our understanding of the quantum state space.
Are AI models explainable in a way that humans can understand them?
A reality-rooted perspective on “explainable AI” and what this means for the future of the field.
Artificial neural networks built with memristive neurons
Bursting dynamics that mimic the functions of the human brain pave the way for more efficient AI systems.
The high-throughput highway to computational optoelectronic semiconductor screening
High-throughput computational materials screening is turning out to be an efficient highway to optoelectronic semiconductor design.
Teleportation is possible, it just depends on scale
Using the principles of quantum mechanics, scientists are unlocking incredible computing powers one experiment at a time.
Are we dehumanizing chemistry?
There is a tremendous sense of joy and elation when a chemist discovers a new molecule, but if we dehumanize the art of science what is left?
What ever happened to combinatorial materials discovery?
Taking a look at the past, present, and future of combinatorial chemistry in materials research.
A stitch in time: How a quantum physicist invented new code from old tricks
An exciting and exotic approach to minimizing error in quantum computation re-purposes a known code to achieve what many researchers thought was impossible.
Gentle laser processing of perovskites at the nanoscale
Scientists have developed a method for precise, fast, and high-quality laser processing of halide perovskites, promising light-emitting materials for solar energy, optical electronics, and metamaterials.
Supercomputer simulates molecular model of SARS-CoV-2
Researchers at UT Austin hope their computer model of COVID-19 can help other scientists in developing new drugs against the virus.