A computing network that exhibits emergent behavior similar to that in biological brains is hypothesized by Adam Z. Stieg of the California NanoSystems Institute

A computing network that exhibits emergent behavior similar to that in biological brains is hypothesized by Adam Z. Stieg of the California NanoSystems Institute
Dr. Ming Qiu Zhang of Zhongshan University, author of “Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites,” talks to MaterialsViews about self-healing and other scientific challenges.
Molecular dynamics methods are wedded to tight-binding density functional theory to produce FIREBALL: a powerful computer code which allows for efficient, predictive simulations of the dynamics of mesoscale systems.
Paolo Samori talks about his recent book Functional Supramolecular Architectures and gives his “insider advice” for scientists.
Russian scientists have made nanodiamonds with a higher concentration of nitrogen vacancy centers, with a better efficiency than was previously possible.
Korean researchers make a tiny switch from carbon nanotubes.
A coating of single-walled carbon nanotubes improves the performance of li-ion cell cathodes: They show longer lifetimes and stable capacities even at very high rates.
Assembly of metallic nanoparticles into chains or plasmonic networks is affected by temperature and kinetics.
Science-fiction becomes science fact: How bionanoelectronics will revolutionize the world through medical and computational advances.
Nobel laureate Kostya Novoselov and his team open up graphene-based nanoelectronic devices by scanning probe lithography.