PopTouch blends transparency and touch, bringing traditional tactile buttons to a world of flat screens and smooth surfaces.

PopTouch blends transparency and touch, bringing traditional tactile buttons to a world of flat screens and smooth surfaces.
The math of multi-particle entangled systems is fiendishly complex, but researchers have made a step forward.
Physicists working on LIGO have surpassed the quantum limit to enhance gravitational wave detectors and revolutionize astrophysical observations.
Harnessing quantum dots to produce low-energy single photons for applications in secure communications and quantum computing.
Scientists investigate the synergy of entanglement and curved spacetime in advancing quantum radar technology for precise distance measurement.
What if quantum computing could be simulated using hardware that isn’t so finicky?
The mysterious phenomenon that Einstein once described as “spooky action at a distance” was seen as a wavefunction between two entangled photons.
Promising candidates for efficient future electronics, researchers are exploring these exotic materials for better computer memory, hard drives, even quantum computers.
For fusion reactions to become practical, parameters such as plasma density and shape must be monitored in real time and impending disruptions responded to instantly.
A new type of superconductor may just be what physicists have been searching for over the past 40 years.