Quantum computing to process large amounts of data tested by bringing together complementary and versatile quantum processors.
Robotic eyes unconstrained by human perception
Forcing robots to see through a human’s eyes is limiting. Smart robotic eyes that can think for themselves could be the answer.
Robots in the workforce: How can we compete?
Researchers calculate the automation risk of almost 1000 existing occupations and provide alternatives based on skill set.
Artificial synapse created using capacitors
A new approach to in-memory computing proposes a new set up to create an artificial synapse that can both store and process data.
World Water Day 2022: Celebrating Earth’s groundwater
This year’s World Water Day theme is groundwater, and here’s what some scientists have found recently about this precious resource.
Quantum advantage tested in quantum games
A set of quantum computers was put to the test by playing the notorious triangle game.
Tiny batteries are powering computer miniaturization
Using tiny batteries, researchers hope to power ever-smaller computers and advance the Internet of Things and ubiquitous computing.
Physicists create a quantum domain wall in the lab
Researchers have discovered how to create and manipulate a quantum object called a “domain wall”, which exhibits particle-like properties.
Decoding the language of cells with virtual modeling
To understand the progression of diseases, such as angiogenesis, researchers have turned to computers to model complex biological processes.
Lola Eniola-Adefeso: “When you feel you belong, everything becomes easy to tackle”
Chemical engineer and STEM advocate Lola Eniola-Adefeso deciphers components of the blood and designs therapeutic particles to help treat disease.