A new computing paradigm could help us to overcome a key performance bottleneck to improve our ability to query large data bases.
Silicon — An element of surprise
Could a new understanding of silicon surfaces someday revolutionize semiconductor technologies?
Adaptive vision for self-driving cars
A new machine vision system can adapt to its surroundings and paves the way for in-situ neuromorphic recognition tasks.
Anyone can control injection molding with an AI helper
An AI-based process recommender system for injection molding allows non-experts to set process conditions in real time.
Artificial neural networks built with memristive neurons
Bursting dynamics that mimic the functions of the human brain pave the way for more efficient AI systems.
The high-throughput highway to computational optoelectronic semiconductor screening
High-throughput computational materials screening is turning out to be an efficient highway to optoelectronic semiconductor design.
Teleportation is possible, it just depends on scale
Using the principles of quantum mechanics, scientists are unlocking incredible computing powers one experiment at a time.
Are we dehumanizing chemistry?
There is a tremendous sense of joy and elation when a chemist discovers a new molecule, but if we dehumanize the art of science what is left?
Maybe life on Earth is as good as it gets?
Plate tectonics are important for habitability, and it appears that the optimum conditions existed for planets forming early in the galaxy’s lifespan … and may be unlikely to easily recur.
A step towards fully computerized device-level engineering
The future will witness a gradual shift in which computational models will play a progressively larger role in identifying new materials for specific purposes.