The theoretical background to confront head-on the problem of data assimilation together with several examples of practical applications is provided.
1st International Symposium on Single Photon-based Quantum Technologies
Bringing together leading quantum researchers to pave the way towards quantum-enabled devices in the near future.
3D Printing to the Molecular Limit
New findings have the potential to vastly increase the functional capabilities of 3D-printed devices for industries such as electronics, healthcare and quantum computing.
New Ultra‐Low‐Cost Smartphone Sensor To Diagnose Autoimmune Disease
American researchers designed a smartphone octo‐channel optosensor (SOS) for low‐cost low‐volume lab tests as a mHealth diagnostic tool.
Mix and Match Nanobiosensor Design using Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures
DNA origami nanobiosensor: The binding of the bioanalyte (left) with the ssDNA-associated bioreceptor (center) on the surface of the DNA origami is transduced as a measurable change in properties (right) that can be recognized and quantified by a detector.
Self-Healing of a Confined Phase Change Memory Device : One Step Closer to Storage Class Memory
Self-healing of a phase change memory device with a metallic surfactant layer opens up new pathways in storage class memory.
Stabilizing Optical Coherence Tomography
An American team of scientists develop a novel phase stabilization technique with significant improvement in the phase stability of a micro-electromechanical (MEMS) vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) based swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) system.
High Speed and Ease of Use Simulation
ANSYS presents promising digital exploration for product development with new simulation technology.
Advanced Theory and Simulations – New Journal in 2018, Now Open for Submissions!
A new journal from the Advanced Materials family covering all aspects of theory and simulation in natural sciences is launching in early 2018.
WIREs – Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cover Articles featuring Physical, Life, and Social Sciences
The award-winning WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) series combines some of the most powerful features of encyclopedic reference works and review journals in an innovative online format. WIREs are designed to promote a cross-disciplinary research ethos while...