Unexpected breakthrough could bolster quantum photonics and solar cell efficiency.
Topological Insulators – From Materials Design to Reality
Claudia Felser, Shoucheng Zhang, and Binghai Yan catch a snapshot of the materials and applications aspect in the field of topological insulators.
Semiconductor engineer wins Japan Award for photoresist development
C. Grant Willson shares 50 million yen prize with Jean M.J. Fréchet for work done at IBM in the 1980’s.
Organic ferroelectric material for future electronics applications
Researchers have discovered a molecule that shows promise as an organic alternative to today’s silicon-based semiconductors.
University of Waterloo buys Veeco system for Quantum-Nano Centre
GEN10 Molecular Beam Epitaxy system will be installed in lab to be established by Professor Zbig Wasilewski.
Nanodevices keep new electronics cool
A team of scientists have designed and fabricated nanoscale devices for energy-efficient electronics.
Dow Chemical and University of Illinois open joint innovation center
Center will develop data management solutions to drive value and accelerate discovery in the Research & Development (R&D) organizations throughout Dow.
Modified silicon carbide crystals could be better than diamond
University of Würzburg physicists have modified silicon carbide crystals and found that they may have application in quantum computing.
Engineers working to prevent heat buildup within 3D integrated circuits
UT Arlington researchers teaming with IBM to solve cooling issues.
Ames Laboratory scientists granted time on world's fastest computer
Bruce Harmon, Kai-Ming Ho, and Cai-Zhuang Wang will identify promising compositions of new magnetic materials that do not contain rare earth elements.