W. M. Keck Foundation funds David Mazziotti, Greg Engel, and Dmitri Talapin to research manipulate of nanocrystal properties.

Quantum optics wins researchers Nobel Prize in Physics for 2012
David Wineland and Serge Haroche win award from work on light-matter interaction.

Could silicene be the future of electronics?
The next generation of computing could be performed with silicene, an atomically thin form of silicon which could revolutionize electronics.
Biomolecular Information Processing
Biomolecular computing systems and their applications represent a rapidly developing research area that is covered here with contributions from major researchers in the field. [XX, 358 Pages, Hardcover]Read More...
Molecular and Supramolecular Information Processing
Covering a variety of different systems in chemical computing, this book provides a unique overview of this hot field and the possible applications. [XVIII, 364 Pages, Hardcover]Read More...
Chemistry II For Dummies
The tools you need to ace your Chemisty II course College success for virtually all science, computing, engineering, and premedical majors depends in part on passing chemistry. The skills learned in chemistry courses are applicable to a number of fields, and...
Teaching an Electronic Pavlov’s Dog: Memristive Devices in Neuromorphic Circuits
Researchers demonstrate learning in a memristive device.
Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution
A unique overview of nanotechnology for a general audience. The general span, ranging from biology to quantum computing, makes easy and interesting reading. The authors succeed in conveying essential ideas with the very minimum of mathematics. [X, 204 Pages,...

Making microlasers the flexible way
An elegant technique for self-assembling microlasers from droplets is reported in Advanced Optical Materials.

Metamaterial discovery opens avenue to new products and industries using negative refraction
Researchers at Oregon State University have discovered a way to make a new metamaterial that might accomplish negative refraction of light.