Though risk is lower, researchers debate whether people should be encouraged to wear masks outdoors or should efforts instead focus on reducing indoor transmission?

Though risk is lower, researchers debate whether people should be encouraged to wear masks outdoors or should efforts instead focus on reducing indoor transmission?
While numbers indicate that the risks of COVID-19 still outweigh potential vaccine side effects, the current pause in vaccine distribution demonstrate the system is working and the public is onboard.
A new simulation technique accelerates modeling to help us better understand complex molecular processes and facilitate rational drug design.
Here we take a look at how CRISPR, the revolutionary “molecular scissors”, works and where its being used.
New evidence suggests a hidden “intelligence” of a life-sustaining pathway.
From astronauts to programmers and medical researchers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, these women are pushing boundaries in STEM.
New active substances that can block the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus discovered in proof-of-concept study.
Replacing animal testing with the ever-growing capabilities of AI and deep learning could help minimize the need for animals in scientific discovery.
Moisture-resistant mask filters made from compostable and abundant materials could help curb plastic pollution as a result of the pandemic.
A scientific detective story unearths how SARS-CoV-2 evolves new variants that evade antibodies.