A new study explores how SARS-CoV-2 damages cells in the nasal cavity, altering infected individuals’ sense of smell.

A new study explores how SARS-CoV-2 damages cells in the nasal cavity, altering infected individuals’ sense of smell.
The interaction between the innate and the adaptive immune responses to COVID-19 may be impacting disease progression, and the answer might be to suppress them.
The two countries, in separate studies, begin human trials of potential vaccines against COVID-19.
Remdesivir, an anti-viral agent known to be effective against MERS, is already in human trials as researchers search for a treatment for COVID-19.
A new case study monitors the evolution of testing guidelines in the face of a growing global pandemic.
Potential vaccine against COVID-19 could begin human trials after FDA approval.
The convergence of four broad but easily identifiable networked conditions, or “Four Horsemen”, are hurtling civilization towards potential self-destruction triggered by the current pandemic.
SARS-CoV-2 is being added to VirScan’s library, a virus scanning tool that can identify thousands of past and present pathogens in a single drop of blood.
Researchers provide evidence for the effectiveness of isolation and quarantine measures in minimizing the spread of COVID-19.
Researchers have mapped the immune response of one of Australia’s first COVID-19 patients.