A modification to the theory of general relativity makes it consistent with observable astronomical data without the need for dark energy.
Dark matter from quantum gravity
Researchers at the Southern University of Science and Technology in China ask if gravitons can be promising candidates for dark matter components.
World’s most advanced detector ready to shed light on dark matter
The LUX-ZEPLIN detector is now operational and ready to capture weakly interacting particles believed to be the constituents of dark matter.
Dark matter could be composed of primordial black holes
A new theory for the origin and nature of dark matter resolves some inconsistencies between cosmological predictions and astronomical data.
Hollow planets could help find primordial black holes
Small primordial black holes could have consumed the interiors of planets or asteroids, leaving their outer shells intact.
A Big Ring in the sky challenges modern cosmology
The discovery of colossal structures like the Big Ring is reshaping established theories about the physics of the Universe.
Magnetic fields from the beginning of time may resolve the Hubble tension
By adding primordial magnetic fields to the Standard Model, researchers may solve the mystery of the Universe’s expansion.
The colorful secret behind stingrays’ electric blue spots
Dive into the mesmerizing world of sharks and rays, where vibrant blues emerge through never-before-seen structural colors.
Muons help explore physics beyond the Standard Model
Enhanced experimental precision has the potential to either confirm or dispel uncertainties surrounding the Standard Model of Physics.
A deeper look at quantum tunneling lays the groundwork for new discoveries
Vital to the fusion process and used in a wealth of technological applications, new research shows quantum tunneling is still delivering surprises.