Inspired by sea asparagus, scientists design a conductive hydrogel that is stronger than natural rubbers and adapted for extreme environments.

Inspired by sea asparagus, scientists design a conductive hydrogel that is stronger than natural rubbers and adapted for extreme environments.
Previously unobserved frequency changes in radio signals detected in a black hole binary system could change our understanding of black hole physics.
Scientists develop a sensor that predicts wound healing rate with more than 70% accuracy.
Not just pretty pictures: Borneo-based wildlife photographer and conservationist Chien Lee has a deeper message.
Biodegradable soft robots made from brown seaweed and hydrogels enable the exploration of fragile environments with minimal environmental impact.
A tough gel electrolyte protects lithium metal anodes for safer and more efficient rechargeable batteries.
A fresh approach to paleoart is providing scientists with the opportunity to paint a vastly different picture of dinosaur life.
Using plant proteins derived from crop waste and spent grains adds new dimension to sustainable lab-grown meats.
“People in the Emirates think differently now, school students dream of going to space, of being a scientist. That’s the real goal.”
Astronomers have observed neutron stars that emit more energy than is theoretically possible, and now an explanation might be in the works.