An elusive new elementary particle called the sterile neutrino may have just been spotted by physicists.
Faster-than-light quasiparticles to power super-bright light sources
A team of international scientists has unveiled a solution to the age-old challenge of generating high-energy radiation.
Detecting ultralight dark matter particles using supermassive black holes
Is it time to start looking for alternatives to WIMPs?
Cooling particle beams to study the hottest topics in physics
A new experimental technique could push the capabilities of particle accelerators in exploring the subatomic world.
How is spacetime altered by entangled particles?
A new thought experiment explores the interface between quantum mechanics and general relativity using the transfer of information.
The “God Particle”
How did the results at CERN get so badly misrepresented?
How accurate are our models of rotating neutron stars?
Comparing algorithms used to model spinning neutron stars, scientists hope to better understand the physics of the elementary particles that make them up.
Hollow planets could help find primordial black holes
Small primordial black holes could have consumed the interiors of planets or asteroids, leaving their outer shells intact.
String theory provides a new take on the expansion of the Universe
String theory could reshape our understanding of the Universe’s accelerating expansion and unlock the mysteries of dark energy.
Gigantic cosmic strings may have spawned supermassive black holes and galaxies
Scientists theorize that cosmic strings interacting with dense matter in the early universe provided the seeds for galaxies and black holes.