Results for "fossil fuels"
Intelligent Sensing System Based on Hybrid Nanogenerator

Intelligent Sensing System Based on Hybrid Nanogenerator

Two triboelectric nanogenerators with different configurations were designed and hybridized with Faraday electromagnetic induction generator to generate electricity, which can convert the kinetic energy from wind and flowing water and the electrostatic energy in water into electrical energy.

Climate Busters

Climate Busters

Increasing the Supply of Renewable Electricity Creates Potential Energy Storage Applications for Synthetic Fuels Aggressive CO2 reduction targets are stimulating the conversion of fossil-fuel-powered electricity systems into renewable low-carbon systems. This energy...

Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure

Instead of hauling food waste to landfills, we might want to use that organic waste to produce power while at the same time potentially helping the environment.

Vision of a Sustainable Future

Vision of a Sustainable Future

To address climate change, we need to reduce net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to zero as soon as possible; that is, hopefully by 2050 or so.