Prelithiated hematite nanofibers demonstrate exceptional cyclability as anodes towards high-powered Li-ion batteries for automotive applications.
Eureka moments in Nanochemistry – 2015 Centenary Award
Professor Geoff Ozin has received an RSC Centenary Award – we asked for his thoughts on the research that brought him here.
CO2: Conflict or Harmony?
Professor Ozin asks the question; do we want war or peace with CO2?
Solar Refinery: Can we have our carbon cake and eat it too?
Professor Ozin explores the feasability of a solar refinery for making fuels and chemicals from CO2, H2O and sunlight.
Charge of the Sunlight Brigade
Professor Ozin pays tribute to the materials scientists and engineers working to counteract the effects of fossil fuel induced climate change.
Jarring Fears – CO2 War or Peace?
Professor Geoff Ozin asks: do we want to fight carbon dioxide, or embrace it?
The global energy transition – do we have a Plan B?
What can we do if the IPCC’s response to climate change – assessment of risk, vulnerability, mitigation, adaptation and cost – fails to deliver?
Indium selenides as promising thermoelectric materials
New work summarizes progress on the structural characteristics, synthetic methods and thermoelectric properties of a new class of thermoelectric materials.
This is your Brain on Art: Metaforming Nature
Professor Geoff Ozin highlights the latest in a series of collaborations between himself and artist Todd Siler.
Is semiconductor photocatalysis photochemical or thermochemical or both? (and do we care?)
Professor Ozin addresses a fundamental concern in the field of photocatalysis.