Process can transform waste sulfur into a lightweight plastic that may improve batteries for electric cars, reports a University of Arizona-led team.

Process can transform waste sulfur into a lightweight plastic that may improve batteries for electric cars, reports a University of Arizona-led team.
Efficient solar cells can be fabricated using natural substrates derived from plants such as trees.
Professor Geoff Ozin on his “super leaf” challenge – producing fuel by matching nature.
Renewable energy could fully power a large electric grid 99.9 percent of the time by 2030 at costs comparable to today’s electricity expenses.
Application development and technology licensing costs of biorenewables come down, and customer awareness is growing.
Dow installs a high-efficiency solar system at polyolefin plant in Map Ta Phut, Thailand.
ARPA-E grant will support research into next-generation flow batteries to solve wind/solar intermittency problem.
Carbon Management Canada, a national research network specializing in the development of carbon management technology, announces eight new projects.
The new journal, Energy Technology, is accepting manuscripts on applied energy research in all areas of energy generation, conversion, storage, and distribution.
The past two decades have seen major changes for steelmakers across the world.