We all see the smoke; can we afford to ignore the fire? The climate doomsday clock is ticking!

We all see the smoke; can we afford to ignore the fire? The climate doomsday clock is ticking!
A techno-economic analysis for six different carbon dioxide emission reduction scenarios in steel manufacturing, using a steel mill located in Duisburg, Germany as an example, are reported.
Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis (CFP) is an emerging technology that holds promise for converting renewable feedstocks, like biomass, into fuels and chemicals.
Greener catalytic ammonia synthesis requires robust control experiments to eliminate artifacts.
The intermittent nature of renewable wind and solar energy arising from fluctuations in weather conditions requires the development of efficient and cost-effective large-scale energy-storage systems to create a steady supply of electrical energy for most applications.
ISPT and its partners in the Power to Ammonia project have recently concluded a feasibility study into the storage of renewable energy in ammonia.
The argument for making synthetic fuel from CO2 using renewable electricity in an increasingly electrified world is by now a familiar one. It hinges on the unlikely scenario that lithium ion batteries will never power the massive fleet of large-volume transportation...
In the war against climate change two promising approaches are being developed for catalytically converting CO2 to value-added chemicals and fuels
The race is on to develop CO2-to-Fuel technology – in an invited editorial, Professor Ozin and co-workers give their view on the current state of the art.
A group of CSIRO researchers provide a broad overview of direct carbon fuel cells.