This Special Issue is a collection of seven review articles that summarize the most recent resveratrol and pterostibene research.

This Special Issue is a collection of seven review articles that summarize the most recent resveratrol and pterostibene research.
Human microbiota, blood group antigens, and disease, a look at the ways that microbiota interact with the human body.
Next-generation electronics should be wearable, versatile, and energy-efficient. A new sensor systems combined with a triboelectric nanogenerator provides an excellent solution.
Wine bottles and cups can be treated and disinfected with special UV radiation.
In their review in BioEssays, Jeffrey Tomberlin et al. take a closer look at indole and how this molecule influences behavior in a wide variety of organisms.
K. Liang and co-workers demonstrate a zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) for preserving the cell life of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) and Micrococcus luteus in the presence of cytotoxic and antifungal agents.
The month’s top articles from the field of nanooptics, optoelectronics, optical devices, detectors & sensors, micro/nano resonators and more.
Researchers have created an antimicrobial polymer coating for leather that is both economical and environmentally friendly.
The bioleaching of rare earth elements from monazite sand by fungal strains is more effective and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional chemical extraction approaches.
Rejection or diminished functionability of implants are frequent problems. A new type of coating could limit associated infections and inflammations.