A diamond film/graphene/nanotube structure was one result of new research carried out by scientists at Rice University and the Honda Research Institute USA.

A diamond film/graphene/nanotube structure was one result of new research carried out by scientists at Rice University and the Honda Research Institute USA.
The synthesis of fluorinated graphene oxide for sprayable hydrophobic and lipophobic coatings is described.
What’s the best way to produce graphene? An Italian research team have compared the alternatives in a new publication.
Combining graphene with other one-atom thick materials could create the next generation of solar cells and optoelectronic devices, scientists have revealed.
Device is capable of revolutionising technologies for medical imaging and security screening.
Discovery comes as researchers set out to grow nanowires of a compound semiconductor on top of a sheet of graphene.
Device developed at the University of Exeter is both flexible and transparent.
Seven-atom ring that inevitably occurs at the junctions of grain boundaries in graphene is the culprit.
Rice lab finds vanadium oxide/graphene material works well for lithium-ion storage.
Perforene material is a molecular filtration solution designed to meet the growing global demand for potable water.