Rice, Moscow State universities collaborate on solution to toxic groundwater woes.

Flexible graphene oxide films for new organic solar cells
Greek scientists develop a new method to fabricate graphene oxide films for use in flexible photovoltaics.

Creating p-n junctions in graphene films
Researchers create junctions, essential to electronics fabrication, by transferring graphene films onto patterned monolayer substrates.

Highly stable graphene-based ultrathin films: a covalent protocol
Chinese scientists have shown how to integrate highly stable graphene-based multilayered film via a novel covalent-based protocol.
Researchers measure supercollision cooling of hot electronics in graphene
Cornell research team shed light on electron cooling through the first known direct measurements of hot electrons cooling down in graphene.
Building graphene monoliths by mimicking natural cork
Monash researchers have taken inspiration from one of the oldest natural materials to exploit the extraordinary qualities of graphene.
How transparent is graphene?
MIT researchers find that adding a coating of graphene has little effect on how a surface interacts with liquids – except in extreme cases.

James’ bond: A graphene/nanotube hybrid
Rice University’s James Tour Group creates single-surface material for energy storage, electronics.

Growing graphene better for future electronics
Researchers in China have developed a method for synthesizing large graphene grains, for application in advanced electronics.

Click coupled graphene: fabricating nanocomposites
Click coupled graphene sheets allow a high grafting ratio and extended applications.