Advanced Healthcare Materials papers you have downloaded and read the most last month.

Advanced Healthcare Materials papers you have downloaded and read the most last month.
The dissolution problem for manganese dioxide-based cathodes in zinc-based batteries has been solved, and fully knittable zinc–air batteries have been designed that can be incorporated into regular clothing to power portable devices.
A roll-to-roll strategy for the production of future wearable photoelectric devices with higher performance and at a lower cost.
Replicating the hollow structure of polar bear hairs allows an insulating material to provide thermal management with stealth applications.
Lithium-metal batteries can hold up to 10 times more charge than batteries that currently power our phones, laptops, and cars; but, they have one fatal flaw…
A fascinating approach for utilizing the chemical energy contained in the carbon–hydrogen bonds of methane without the co-production of carbon dioxide in the combustion process is discussed.
Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.
An interplay between two realms is the subject of the Focussed Session: Geometry- and Topology-Controlled Nanoarchitectures at the Joint Meeting of DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) and EPS (European Physical Society) Condensed Matter Divisions on March 13, 2018 at the TU Berlin.
What’s new in hydrogen production? Sustainable energy is a hot topic, and these snapshots will update you on what materials are being optimised right now for the HER.
A novel technology to display information on transparent screens offers new opportunities in next-generation electronics, such as augmented reality devices, smart surgical glasses, and smart windows.