April’s Advanced Healthcare Materials covers

April’s Advanced Healthcare Materials covers
A group of researchers have proposed a surface plasmon polariton amplification mechanism.
The synthesis of ultrathin 2D nanosheets (NSs) remains a significant challenge for perovskite materials. Now, researchers have demonstrated a facile crystallization method for the synthesis of free-standing 2D phenylethylammonium lead halide NSs.
In a recent Review, a summary of 2D nanomaterials for used in cancer theranostics is provided.
The showcase presents a free-to-read selection of physica status solidi articles published in 2016/17. The focus of this year's edition is on the 10th anniversary of - pss (RRL) Rapid Research Letters. Happy reading! Editorial Sabine Bahrs, Nadezda Panarina,...
With help of in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction patterns, a method to grow high quality MgB2 films on whole Si wafers by adopting a self-limiting growth process is demonstrated.
A PbS monolayer is demonstrated to be a novel platform for topological, valleytronic, and optical phenomena.
The recognition that scaling down would be the key to the future of technology led to research into simpler, greener techniques to synthesise nanomaterial building blocks. It’s not enough that the materials can be created: synthesis techniques need to be precise and...
Co3O4 is emerging as favorable candidate for application in pseudocapacitors due to its low cost, super-high theoretical capacitance (3560 F/g), and great reversibility. Now, even more with substantially enhanced specific capacitance and cycling stability achieved by surface modification.
Biodegradability and biocompatibility studies show minimal cytotoxicity, particularly for covalently functionalized MoS2 nanosheets.