Using air conditioning systems for the production of synthetic fuels.

Using air conditioning systems for the production of synthetic fuels.
Carbon dioxide photocatalysis, a new future with three fundamental questions, how do we optimize photonic efficiency, how should we scale, and what should we make?
Researchers at the University of Toronto discuss the origins and advances of carbon dioxide photocatalysis.
US researchers unexpectedly discovered auspicious catalysts to reduce water into hydrogen gas and oxygen molecules.
The clock is ticking for the development and deployment of renewable synthetic fuels substituting for non-renewable fossil-based oil to enable a sustainable energy resource for the benefit of all people.
Making methanol for use as a renewable energy carrier.
Greener catalytic ammonia synthesis requires robust control experiments to eliminate artifacts.
Imagine a scenario where CO2 greenhouse gas emissions could be used to desalinate briny water. This would be a creative way of killing two birds with one stone, namely helping to ameliorate global-warming-induced climate change and producing high quality water for agriculture and drinking purposes.
A fascinating approach for utilizing the chemical energy contained in the carbon–hydrogen bonds of methane without the co-production of carbon dioxide in the combustion process is discussed.
Professor Feng Zhang from Guangzhou Medical University, Professor Hao Pei from East China Normal University, and co-workers report a flexible electrochemical sensor based on a 3D-printable hydrogel. The device could be used as a glucose sensor, demonstrating its potential in biosensing applications.