Artificial photochemically-active microswimmers, with 2D or 3D swimming behavior, can also swim against gravity.

Artificial photochemically-active microswimmers, with 2D or 3D swimming behavior, can also swim against gravity.
An interplay between two realms is the subject of the Focussed Session: Geometry- and Topology-Controlled Nanoarchitectures at the Joint Meeting of DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) and EPS (European Physical Society) Condensed Matter Divisions on March 13, 2018 at the TU Berlin.
Researchers demonstrate a strategy using a photoresponsive malleable actuator with mechanical strain energy stored in the polymer beforehand.
Sperm cells are attractive as propulsion sources or as functional components in robotic microswimmers to realize complex tasks in the body.
Scientists have developed autonomous catalytic microrobots that swim towards a specified target with a speed of 20 body length per second.