Discover how cellulose may revolutionize flexible electronics, replacing plastics in eco-friendly, sustainable substrates for innovative devices.

Discover how cellulose may revolutionize flexible electronics, replacing plastics in eco-friendly, sustainable substrates for innovative devices.
Magnetic iron nanoparticles shown to eliminate persistent water pollution, such as microplastics and oils.
A new study looked at the extent to which plastics can be recycled using mechanical methods, finding good and bad news.
Specially designed microrobots could help clean plastic waste from water systems.
While plastic waste is an issue, its prominence in the general public’s concern for the environment is overshadowing greater threats.
Researchers develop an efficient, low-energy method for upcycling polyethylene plastic waste into valuable molecules that can be repurposed for further use.
Unless growth in plastic production and use is halted, a fundamental transformation of the plastic economy to a framework based on recycling is essential.
Researchers combine waste vegetable oil and sulfur to create an eco-friendly, sturdy and lightweight cement substitute that can be remelted as often as desired.
A recent study finds that up to 31% of plastic exported for recycling is not recycled at all.
Engineers find a neat way to turn waste carbon dioxide into useful materials for industrial products like fuel and plastics.