Pilot study explores how recycled glass is being used to grow salsa ingredients, protect coastlines, and safeguard the future of farming.

Pilot study explores how recycled glass is being used to grow salsa ingredients, protect coastlines, and safeguard the future of farming.
A search for environmentally friendly inks led researchers to microalgae biofactories, providing a renewable biomass solution.
A new electrolysis device could transform the way we produce hydrogen fuel from seawater, addressing challenges that hindered this process.
Scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom thick using a hundred-year-old Japanese smithing method.
Scientists are using carbon filaments from mushrooms in supercapacitors, paving the way for a sustainable energy future.
A transparent underwater robot camouflages itself to explore the ocean, reducing encounters with delicate sea life.
Modifying hydrogen fuel cells with caffeine helped protect them from degradation, resulting in up to 11-fold increase in activity.
Scientists explore the challenges facing alternatives to lithium-ion batteries and suggests a roadmap to overcome these obstacles.
A textured film maximizes sunlight by generating an increased amount of red light, reducing the costs of algae production on a significant scale.
Using plant proteins derived from crop waste and spent grains adds new dimension to sustainable lab-grown meats.