Exceptionally stable and colourful light-emitting nanofibers are synthesized in a simple one-pot process.

Exceptionally stable and colourful light-emitting nanofibers are synthesized in a simple one-pot process.
The 2017 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) took place in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, from November 26 – December 1. This year’s conference featured 55 technical symposia, eleven tutorial sessions, four poster sessions, and 241 exhibitors. The...
High-throughput combinatorial experiments reveal current/voltage trade-offs in chalcostibite thin film solar cells.
The ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry presented poster awards at the 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition.
Professor Geoff Ozin has received an RSC Centenary Award – we asked for his thoughts on the research that brought him here.
New material combination could lead to a more efficient approach to computer memory and logic.
Rate of improvement of quantum dot devices is one of the most rapid seen for a solar technology.
Widely tunable, easy-to-operate single source “C-Wave” for applications such as spectroscopy, quantum optics and photochemistry. It was awarded with the Photonics West Prism-Award 2014.
Multidisciplinary ORNL team discovers unexpected effect of heavy hydrogen in organic solar cells.
Professor Laurens Molenkamp of the University of Würzburg has been awarded a DFG Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.