AI and robotics meet fluidics to accelerate materials development, allowing researchers to create quantum dots in under an hour.

AI and robotics meet fluidics to accelerate materials development, allowing researchers to create quantum dots in under an hour.
Researchers publish an up-to-date and easy-to-access platform with a global scope.
A new study finds diamonds can actually form at room temperature, under the right pressure.
Recent advanced in nanoparticle-based SERS imaging has led to better diagnoses of diseases like cancer, and improvements in image-guided tumor surgeries.
Complex 3D nanoscale architectures based on DNA self-assembly can conduct electricity without resistance and may provide a platform for fabricating quantum computing and sensing devices.
The waste chips of paint you strip off the walls might not be so useless afterall.
New hybrid optical fibers contain 2D materials that enhance light-matter interactions and open doors for a range of new technological advancements.
No formal scientific education, a single mother, author of 103 scientific papers, the first person to see a corona virus, June Almeida was a tour de force.
Could a new understanding of silicon surfaces someday revolutionize semiconductor technologies?
To celebrate his upcoming 77th birthday, we reached out to nanochemist and long-time ASN contributor, Geoffery Ozin, to discuss his colorful career, current projects, and plans for the future.