Happy 5th birthday to Advanced Materials Interfaces!

Happy 5th birthday to Advanced Materials Interfaces!
A combined quantum key distribution and compressing sensing protocol that improves information transmission bandwidth paves the way to real-time information evaluation and communication security.
Kilwon Cho is a materials scientist who hopes to see his research on organic electronics applied in everyday life.
Advanced Intelligent Systems will publish multidisciplinary scientific and engineering research related to intelligent systems. The journal is now open for submission!
A peek into the Advanced journal archives reveals some of the interesting and creative work published over the years that is still being cited today.
This month’s Advanced Engineering Materials covers and top papers!
Dr. Dongling Ma (INRS) and co-author Deepak Thrithamarassery Gangadharan talk to us about themselves, their careers, and the future of perovskite solar cell research.
Exceptionally stable and colourful light-emitting nanofibers are synthesized in a simple one-pot process.
This month’s Advanced Engineering Materials covers and top papers!
Prof. Subodh Mhaisalkar of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore discusses the future of perovskite optoelectronics in an interview with the editors of Energy Technology.