Using electrons more like photons could provide the foundation for a new type of electronic device.
The week in research: February 5th 2014
A roundup of the latest materials science research from the past week.
Materials Science in the Basque Country
Luis Liz Marzán of CIC biomaGUNE presents the latest on materials science in the Basque Country in Particle & Particle Systems Characterization.
The new look of LPR: making the best of your work
Laser & Photonics Reviews has a new look! The first issue with new cover pages making full use of background covering pictures was released this month.
Spintronics researcher awarded 2014 Leibniz prize
Professor Laurens Molenkamp of the University of Würzburg has been awarded a DFG Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.
Most accessed papers in physica status solidi for September 2013
We present the most downloaded papers from the pss family of journals from September.
Most accessed papers in physica status solidi for August 2013
Recently popular articles from the physica status solidi family.
Focusing on biophotonics
Biophotonics – optical techniques for the study of biological molecules, cells and tissues – has evolved into one of the most important fields of photonics.
Miniaturization by dint of a novel etching process
The Germany company Akon revolutionized the entire electronics industry with a precise and environment friendly etching technology.
Prolonged optical emission in air-bridged carbon nanotubes
Ultraclean carbon nanotubes hold promise for advances in optical fiber communications, solar cells and LEDs.