Recently popular articles from the physica status solidi family.

Focusing on biophotonics
Biophotonics – optical techniques for the study of biological molecules, cells and tissues – has evolved into one of the most important fields of photonics.

Miniaturization by dint of a novel etching process
The Germany company Akon revolutionized the entire electronics industry with a precise and environment friendly etching technology.

Prolonged optical emission in air-bridged carbon nanotubes
Ultraclean carbon nanotubes hold promise for advances in optical fiber communications, solar cells and LEDs.

MIT researchers develop optical transistor
Researchers describe the experimental realization of an optical switch controlled by a single photon, allowing light to govern the transmission of light.

One-dimensional wires with suppressed conductivity
Researchers create perfect one-dimensional molecular wires in which the electrical conductivity can almost entirely be suppressed by a weak magnetic field
Molecular database for solar cell researchers
Researchers release massive database of molecules that might be useful in organic solar cells.

Optomechanical sensors improve phonon studies
Researchers applying optomechnical systems to help unlock vibrational secrets of chemical and biological samples at the nanoscale.
Spin-Hall effect observation is a step towards "atomtronics"
Researchers at NIST have reported the first observation of the “spin Hall effect” in a Bose-Einstein condensate.

Nanoengineering boosts heat to energy conversion
Nanoengineering boosts semiconducting material’s ability to convert heat into power by 200 percent and its electrical conductivity by 43 percent.