Munich-based team show how nanotubes can store information in the form of vibrations.

Munich-based team show how nanotubes can store information in the form of vibrations.
Researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and French colleagues from Grenoble and Strasbourg build novel quantum mechanical system.
A new technique developed by U of T Engineering Professor Ted Sargent and his research group could lead to significantly more efficient solar cells.
Recent research offers a new spin on using nanoscale semiconductor structures to build faster computers and electronics.
Ultrafast physics and nanoscale research are two emerging scientific fields that mate very well.
GEN10 Molecular Beam Epitaxy system will be installed in lab to be established by Professor Zbig Wasilewski.
A unique overview of nanotechnology for a general audience. The general span, ranging from biology to quantum computing, makes easy and interesting reading. The authors succeed in conveying essential ideas with the very minimum of mathematics. [X, 204 Pages,...
Researchers at Oregon State University develop cutting edge metal-insulator-metal diodes, harnessing quantum tunneling of electrons to increase performance of electronics.
Scientists create magnetism in a non-magnet at room temperature for the first time, with implications in quantum tech and computer science.
Rectangular fiber optic cables could increase data transfer rates, benefiting telecommunications and quantum computing advancements.