Tackling heat transfer, diamond layers help build 3D circuits with lower power consumption, faster signaling, and increased performance.
Black hole morsels could make Hawking radiation detectable with current telescopes
During the tumultuous mergers of black holes, smaller black holes called morsels could produce detectable Hawking radiation.
Magnetic fields from the beginning of time may resolve the Hubble tension
By adding primordial magnetic fields to the Standard Model, researchers may solve the mystery of the Universe’s expansion.
New memristor design could be a game-changer for AI and big data
Computers based on memristors promise significant energy savings and improved accuracy in large-scale computing.
Scientists discover breakthrough light-matter hybrid
A light-matter hybrid material on attosecond scales showcases enhanced conductivity with potential applications in solar cells and high-power electronics.
A new mathematical description for entangled systems
The math of multi-particle entangled systems is fiendishly complex, but researchers have made a step forward.
Protecting IoT devices using radio waves to shield them from hackers
A cutting-edge security system for IoT devices uses physical layer security to make personal data significantly more difficult to hack.
Science in pictures
From holographic sound waves to nanobelt haystacks, this gallery gives a renewed appreciation for scientific exploration.
Scientists detect the X-ray signature of a single atom
A new technique can detect the X-ray signature of an individual atom, even determining the structure of its electron orbits.
Making ammonia from thin air
A one-step synthesis of ammonia without thermal, electrical, or solar input could help replace energy-intensive Haber Bosch.