Mechanical engineer Sangbae Kim builds animal-like machines for use in disaster response.

Mechanical engineer Sangbae Kim builds animal-like machines for use in disaster response.
Micro/nanorobots to the rescue for environmental and medical applications.
Salvador Pané and colleagues demonstrate core–shell magnetoelectric nanowires that can be triggered using different magnetic fields for targeted drug delivery to kill cancer cells.
Biosensors, metasurfaces, and a caterpillar robot is highlighted on the November covers of Advanced Optical Materials.
In this Advanced Materials Technologies article, researchers demonstrate for the first time a rapid manufacturing process and taxel geometry to create a large area, all-elastomer robot skin
Scientists have now created a light-driven soft micro robot to mimic caterpillar locomotion in natural scale.
Max Planck researchers have developed self-propelled tiny ‘microbots’ that can remove lead or organic pollutions from contaminated water.
Researchers in Singapore have developed a strain-sensing actuator for rehabilitation and diagnostic devices for patient mobility and dexterity.
ABB introduced its highest payload, multipurpose industrial robot, IRB 8700.