Disinfecting nanobots could be the key to preventing the failure of root canal fillings post-treatment.

Disinfecting nanobots could be the key to preventing the failure of root canal fillings post-treatment.
A miniaturized, tetherless needle offers a safe means of performing surgery, treating cancer, and performing diagnostic tests.
Through innovative, interdisciplinary work, chemist César Rodriguez-Emmenegger is seeking a way to communicate with biological systems.
Memristor-based sensing devices generate biological-like electrical signals that mimic those found in the brain for better computing.
A flexible magnetic catheter made from “smart threads” will help make surgeries less invasive, safer, and easier to perform.
Using tiny batteries, researchers hope to power ever-smaller computers and advance the Internet of Things and ubiquitous computing.
Researchers have created stiff, recyclable hydrogels that can be broken down into their base components and reshaped on demand.
Biochemist and astrobiologist Emmett Chappelle created a simple means of identifying life and opened a new world for fluorescence testing.
A new blood sensor utilizes miniaturized channels to monitor for accidental bleeding during colonoscopies.
Astrophysicist and retired NASA astronaut Steven Hawley takes us through his fascinating career.